Using our Web Tools, you can quickly build up your site’s worldwide recognition from your personal Website Control Panel. Via the Sitemap Generator you can get a comprehensive sitemap for your web site within minutes. You are able to submit the sitemap to the major search engines so that they could crawl your website in the shortest time. Also, via the RSS News instrument, you’re able to deploy regularly updated publications on your website, which is a guarantee for higher listing positions with major search engines. Our GeoIP redirection application will enable you to re–route customers from a certain country into a specialized language version of your site for more accurate targeting results.

A Sitemap Generator

Generate a sitemap with all your web pages in an instant

The simplest method of getting your newly released website indexed by the search engines is to publish a sitemap. The sitemap records all the web pages on your web site and by uploading it to a particular search engine, you inform it that you would like those pages to get scanned as fast as possible. Sitemaps are typically developed by 3rd party instruments. Nevertheless, with us, you don’t need to move out of your Website Control Panel. Our own in–house developed Sitemap Generator is incorporated within the Advanced Tools section and will set up a sitemap on your behalf in a click of the mouse.

Everything you need to do is choose the highest quantity of web pages you would like to be indexed, the range of the scanned links as well as the format of the sitemap data file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Very easy location–based redirections

We supply a quick instrument, which will help you narrow the customers to your site based upon their area. For example, utilizing the GeoIP redirection instrument, you can easily direct all of the visitors coming from Spain to the Spanish version of your web site in case you have such. This can help you target your web visitors more precisely and offer them with the on–site experience they expect.

No particular skills or technical knowledge are required to work with the GeoIP re–direction tool, and you will no longer have to use .htaccess files to do the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Present the most recent publications within your website

What is actually RSS? RSS is a technology for submitting and accumulating content. It is being widely used by information web sites, personal blogs, bulletins, etc. The posted information is easily collected by a feed reader and afterwards made available to the consumer. Using RSS, users may gather updates from a number of web sites and review them in a single place.

With the RSS News tool, you can easily include media feeds coming from many of the world’s most well–liked news sites and showcase them on you web site.

RSS News