If you have a cloud web hosting account and you create an email address, you may consider the option to send and receive emails for granted, but in fact, this isn't always the case. Sending e-mails isn't necessarily part of the hosting packages that providers will offer you and an SMTP service is needed to be able to do that. The abbreviation signifies Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and this is the piece of software that allows you to send out e-mail messages. If you work with an e-mail app, it creates a connection to the SMTP server. The latter then searches the DNS data of the domain name, which is a part of the receiving address to find out which mail server deals with its emails. After some system data is interchanged, your SMTP server delivers the e-mail to the remote IMAP or POP server and the e-mail is finally delivered in the matching mailbox. An SMTP server is required if you use some kind of contact form too, so in case you have a cost-free hosting package, for instance, it is very likely that you won't be able to use such a form as most free hosting providers do not allow outgoing emails.
SMTP Server in Cloud Web Hosting
Being able to access our SMTP server is a part of our basic range of services that you'll get once you acquire a cloud web hosting plan with us. You'll be able to send email messages using any e-mail app or device, webmail or an email form on your site. You'll find the adjustments that you'll require in the Emails area of our Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, which comes with all packages. We have in addition prepared comprehensive guides where you can view in details precisely how to create an email account on your PC or phone and some common problems and solutions if you're unable to send out emails. There is no activation time or anything for you to do, so you will be capable to send messages as soon as you purchase a web hosting package and you create email addresses with any of your domain names.
SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our Linux semi-dedicated hosting plans come with an SMTP server as standard, so you will not need to spend anything extra or require access. You will be able to send out emails as long as you create a mailbox with any of your domains using your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Our comprehensive guides will highlight how one can create your e-mail address in an e-mail app and will help you troubleshoot and fix any issue if you cannot send out emails for whatever reason, since we have compiled the typical problems you could encounter and their solutions in one location. In case you have an email contact form of any kind in your website, all you need to get it to function is to input the SMTP name plus your email address. The semi-dedicated server plans are quite powerful and they'll allow you to send a multitude of e-mails, making them a terrific choice if you would like to send regular newsletters to your customers.