If you want to switch Internet hosting firms and you don't have much experience or time, you could find it tough to transfer your content. Migrating an HTML Internet site involves uploading small files to the new server, so it can be simpler, but transferring a script-driven site, especially a custom-built one, and linking it to the database on the new web hosting platform or moving databases and e mails can be very irritating tasks for some people. Consequently, many users are tied to a hosting provider which offers a bad hosting service simply because they have no idea how they can transfer their content to a different provider safely and securely while keeping the design and functionality of their websites intact. In this light, our hosting solutions include a website migration service, that is totally free of charge, and which will save you a great deal of time and efforts since you'll not have to do anything on your end.
Assisted Website Migration in Cloud Web Hosting
You can take advantage of this 100 % free service whatever the cloud web hosting package that you have picked and you can contact us the instant your new account has been set up. There shall not be a problem for our tech support team to relocate even many Internet sites provided you have chosen a package in which you are able to host more than a single domain name. As soon as they are done with the migration to our revolutionary cloud hosting platform, they will analyze if everything is functioning correctly before they inform you that you are able to change the name servers of your domain name as to point it to our servers. We can move any website that runs on a LAMP machine and is not developed on a closed platform like Yola or Wix in which we cannot access the website files to copy them. This includes not only popular platforms like WordPress or Moodle, but also any custom site. When you use our migration service, we can set everything up within 24 to 48 hours, so you can begin using our platform immediately.
Assisted Website Migration in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can take advantage of our absolutely free offer with each of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting plans that we offer and we will be able to move one or several Internet sites from another Internet hosting company within a couple of days. The time varies according to the size and the actual number of the sites, but it rarely takes more than 48 hrs, so you'll be able to start using our services immediately after your new account has been started. A team of skilled administrators shall move your content and check it to make sure that once you change the name servers of your domain names and they start resolving to our web hosting servers, all of your Internet sites will function adequately and without any problems. It does not matter if you have a WordPress blog, an OpenCart online shop, a Joomla portal or a custom-made site - our tech support can relocate it without issues. The only sites they are unable to relocate are ones which can't run on a Linux web server or that are designed on closed platforms like Yola and Wix in which the access to the website files is restricted.
Assisted Website Migration in VPS Servers
If you sign up for one of our VPS servers, we will be able to transfer numerous websites from your current web hosting service provider at no additional charge on top of the monthly VPS price. Because our web servers run using Linux, your web sites should also be running on such a hosting server and they should not be designed through a closed online platform like Wix or Jimdo, but apart from that there aren't any limits concerning what the sites ought to be - WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart or custom-built ones. Our professional tech support team can start the migration the minute your Virtual Private Server is set and you contact them. The time period for the migration varies according to the number of sites and their size, but typically the whole process will not take more than 2 days and this time includes comprehensive tests to guarantee that all Internet sites will work faultlessly on our end. You will be able to change the name servers of the domain names that you'd like to host on the VPS the moment we inform you that the content has been migrated and you shall not notice any downtime as the exact same content will be available on both hosting servers.
Assisted Website Migration in Dedicated Servers
If you've decided to change providers because you need a more powerful web hosting solution and you sign up for a dedicated server from our firm, we can transfer numerous Internet sites at no additional cost and in only 2 days because of the fact that we have a team of really experienced administrators. Not only will they move the content for you, but they shall furthermore modify all of the necessary settings within the configuration files of your Internet sites and will check if everything is functioning efficiently before they notify you that the migration procedure has been completed. This service is available no matter the hosting CP that you employ with the current host and the one that you order on our end. It also doesn't matter if you're using a custom Internet site or a script like WordPress or Joomla considering that our admins can move any type of Internet site that can run on Linux environment. The only sites they can't relocate are ones developed on platforms like Wix, Jimdo or Weebly as they employ closed-source website builders and do not provide access to the actual files. As soon as everything is ready, you can change the name servers of the domain names that you would like to be hosted inside the dedicated server and since the content shall be identical with the one you have on the servers of the current hosting provider, you won't notice any interruptions.